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2024-12-13 05:52:12

Where to go in the later period!Where to go in the later period!Second, the old investors should see that the mood hasn't changed much when they open in call auction. After 15 minutes of opening, it can basically be determined that it is a pattern of high opening and low going. An important indicator is the volume of transactions, which we repeatedly mentioned before the market. If we want to continue to go up, we must put a lot, otherwise it will be a pattern of high opening and low going. Judging from the midday closing, the small volume is just the volume of selling rather than buying.

Second, the old investors should see that the mood hasn't changed much when they open in call auction. After 15 minutes of opening, it can basically be determined that it is a pattern of high opening and low going. An important indicator is the volume of transactions, which we repeatedly mentioned before the market. If we want to continue to go up, we must put a lot, otherwise it will be a pattern of high opening and low going. Judging from the midday closing, the small volume is just the volume of selling rather than buying.

Second, the old investors should see that the mood hasn't changed much when they open in call auction. After 15 minutes of opening, it can basically be determined that it is a pattern of high opening and low going. An important indicator is the volume of transactions, which we repeatedly mentioned before the market. If we want to continue to go up, we must put a lot, otherwise it will be a pattern of high opening and low going. Judging from the midday closing, the small volume is just the volume of selling rather than buying.

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